Culligan ZeroWater®
How long will the filter last?
Does the TDS Meter measure lead levels?
No, the meter measures Total Dissolved Solids and is not intended to measure lead levels.
What’s considered an acceptable level of lead on my water?
The U.S. EPA has established a maximum threshold of 15 ppb for lead content in tap water. ZeroWater® filtration is certified to meet these requirements.
In the product Culligan ZeroWater®
All Culligan ZeroWater products®
What is the meter reading?
The TDS meter included provides a reading of total dissolved solids in Parts Per Million, ppm.
What are total dissolved solids?
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are non-organic impurities found in water, which contribute to a difference in the taste of water. Dissolved solids enter our water supply through old piping, run-off from road salts, pesticides, fertilizers and more.
How long does it take for Culligan ZeroWater® to filter water?
It may filter slower as the 5-Stage technology works harder to remove more impurities from your tap water.
Can Culligan ZeroWater® lower pH?
Once the filter reaches end of life, you may experience an acidic or slightly off-taste in the water. As indicated in our instructions, once the TDS reaches 006 or the light indicator lights up (depending on which was included in your device) you should discontinue the use of the expired filter and replace it. Our filtration has an end of life indication whereas standard filters do not.
Continued use of the filter, after it expires, will only further deteriorate the ion beads and a reduction in pH may occur. The reduction in pH is normal but there is a chance under extreme filter exhaustion that the pH levels may be reduced low enough to where you will experience a taste difference in the water, occurring at a meter reading below 1 or 2. We cannot determine if the filter failed prematurely as we have no indication of your tap water quality (all water is different and we have no way of knowing the specific properties in everyone’s water) nor your daily water consumption. Since the quality of tap water varies the reduction in pH, when your filter has reached the point of exhaustion, can vary as well.
How does Culligan Zerowater® work?
The ZeroWater® Ion Exchange Filter consist of 5 stages that combine patented technologies to removes organic and inorganic contaminants in the water, providing the only filtered water that meets the U.S. FDA definition of purified bottled water.
Do we have a full house or a faucet system? Do we make a filter for the fridge?
We do not offer a full house or faucet system due to our gravity-fed technology.
Tap water has already been filtered. But why still use Culligan ZeroWater®?
Even though the tap water has been filtered until it is clean. But it may be contaminated by chemicals or various impurities during the transport to households. That might be the reason the water tastes different. Unlike the taste of filtered water, Culligan ZeroWater® is cleaner and fresher.
If I use tap water or already have water from a well, is Culligan Zerowater® still necessary?
If using tap water or from a well, users should check and test the water quality, which may be contaminated by various substances. Including invisible bacteria If it is verified that you can drink from the well. You can use Culligan ZeroWater® water filter containers to filter drinking water just like tap water.
Compare the quality of filtered water by Culligan ZeroWater® vs. bottled water.
Culligan ZeroWater® Water Sausage is the only product that meets U.S. Food and Drug Administration requirements. that can filter drinking water as pure as bottled water You can produce pure drinking water yourself without creating waste from drinking water bottles. Eliminate pollution problems Moreover, you do not have to pay expensive prices.
Both people and pets drink distilled water because it is good for their health. Are Culligan ZeroWater® waters equally good?
Water filtered by ZeroWater® has the same properties as distilled water. But it doesn't require electricity to produce it and there's no need for the hassle of transporting water from the store to your home. It's also good for pets.
How does ion exchange technology work?
Deionized water has had all the dissolved inorganics (or Ions) removed. Typically, about 95% of known water contaminants are dissolved inorganics. So, processes that remove ions can potentially remove up to about 95% of all the contaminants. The ion exchange process takes advantage of the fact that all ions have either a positive or negative charge. Ion exchange resin has an attraction for these dissolved inorganics. The ion exchange resin is made of tiny polymeric beads – about the size of a grain of sand.
It is called mixed bed because two types of beads are mixed together. The surface of the cation beads contain hydrogen ions (positive charge). The surface of the anion beads contain hydroxide ions (negative charge). The resin works by exchanging contaminant ions in the water with the hydrogen and hydroxide ions. The contaminants attach to the beads while the hydrogen and hydroxide are released into the water. These two ions combine together to produce oxygen
Is it bad to remove all Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)?
ZeroWater’s Stage filtration technology removes all contaminants (of TDS) and does not discriminate between harmful chemicals and minerals and potentially some good ones. Many nutritionists recommend that you receive essential vitamins and minerals from a well-balanced diet and not necessarily from unknown water sources.
Culligan ZeroWater® is certified by NSF to reduce lead levels below the standard set by the EPA (15 ppb), and Culligan ZeroWater® is a single gravity flow-through filter. that has been certified to reduce both lead and chromium 6
It is a type of plastic that will not leach into the filtration system. Culligan ZeroWater® has passed a 5-step PVC plastic filtration test, finding that there are no plastic particles mixed in the water at all.
Our filters have been independently tested by an U.S. EPA certified lab for the reduction of fluoride with an overall reduction percentage of 99%.
Culligan ZeroWater® filters contain materials commonly used in industries dealing with uranium. However, Culligan ZeroWater® filters have not been tested for uranium because high levels of uranium in the water are required to perform testing.
Our filters have been independently tested by an U.S. EPA certified lab for the reduction of arsenic with an overall reduction percentage of 99%.
Culligan ZeroWater® filters have been tested to reduce chloramines. However, chloramines can shorten the life of your filter, so if your water is contaminated with chloramines you may need to change your filter more often. than usual
As for phenols, Culligan ZeroWater® filters have not been tested to reduce phenols.
Culligan ZeroWater® filters have not been tested to eliminate Cryptosporidium parasites. (Microorganisms that mix with water)
Our water filtration systems are intended for use with treated water. Culligan ZeroWater® filters do not remove microbial contaminants in the water.
Oxygen from water?
The filters do not remove dissolved oxygen from water.
Chromium 6?
Of course, the Culligan ZeroWater filter is NSF certified to reduce chromium by up to 99.6%.
Select your assembly instructions below:
User manual for Water filter pitcher, size 1.7 liters
User manual for Water filter pitcher, size 2.4 liters
User manual for Water filter pitcher, size 2.8 liters
User manual for Water filter pitcher, size 5.4 liters
User manual for Water filter tank size 9.4 liters
Why can’t I get a zero reading with my Pitcher?
In order to get a perfect 000, there must be a complete seal when the filter is screwed in to prevent any contamination. Ensure that the filter is threaded correctly (watch for cross-threading) and that the blue filter gasket is fully seated up against the water reservoir. If your filter has a black gasket, confirm that the black rubber gasket is present between the filter and reservoir and has not gotten stuck in any of the threads.
Why does my filtered water taste acidic or off-taste?
Check the TDS reading using the TDS meter – When the filtered water tastes acidic or off-taste the filter has reached the point of exhaustion and must be replaced. Filter life varies per household – it depends on your household water consumption and the amount of TDS (total dissolved solids) in your tap water (water chemistry varies by source and how it’s treated locally by your town or municipality). It is important that you periodically test your filtered water with your water quality meter and when the meter reads 006 or higher the filter should be replaced.
The water is coming out black or gray. What’s wrong?
Some brand new filters can let fine carbon particles into the water due to the way they’ve settled. This is completely safe and can be fixed by flushing the system until the water is clear.
My brand new filter was wet / condensation was present in the plastic bag.
The contents inside the filter are rinsed with purified water before they are packed. Sometimes, this can cause condensation inside the bag/lid, which is harmless. Unlike other popular filters, our filters do not need to be soaked, flushed, or otherwise prepped prior to using.
Flow Rate: Takes long to filter.
The water travels through 5 stages in order to bring your water down to 000. The slow flow of the water lets you know that the water is properly passing through each stage.
Other: Soaking filter
Our filters are different from other leading filters. There is no need to soak the sausages in water before the first use. However, it is a good idea to pour 2-3 glasses of water through the filter so that you can be confident that your drinking water is clean and contains no contaminants or suspended solids.
Water Filter Pitcher: Leaky faucet or cracked pitcher
We apologize for the problems with your pitcher and water dispenser. Please contact customer service at email. so that we can help you solve the problem
Why isn't the TDS meter working?
Water Quality Meter – If the on/off button is pressed and the LCD screen does not display, it may be time to replace the batteries. Remove the end of the meter and insert two 357A or LR44 batteries.
Light Indicator ‐ If you have a light indicator submerge about one inch into tap water (not filtered ZW). If it does not light up, the battery is probably dead. If you have a Light Indicator with an on/off button, repeat the same steps as you push and hold the on/off button while submerged. To replace the battery, remove the end of the meter/indicator and replace with (3) AG3.
Dispenser: Mold or algae in bottle or decanter
Just like any other appliance, our products need occasional cleaning. First, clean out the item, paying special attention to any spigots, spouts or small creases or parts. There are many surfaces there that can harbor stuff that will grow. Be sure your water doesn’t sit in direct sunlight. When handling our products and filters, please be sure you thoroughly wash your hands so you don’t transfer any bacteria into the water. Be sure you thoroughly clean all parts to ensure the product is ready for re-use.
My dispenser is leaking.
In testing float valves Remove the top of the drinking water tank and the stopper ring. Lift the bottom of the drinking water tank and gently press the float valve with your hand to close the valve. If there is still water leaking Please contact us to exchange the product.
My water filter tank doesn't read 000 TDS.
Firstly, please read the troubleshooting guide. Secondly, the company has improved and changed the color of the filter joint from white to a translucent blue to differentiate between the color of the filter and the joint. The joint is the part that connects the two filters to the top of the drinking water tank. Lastly If your joints are white Please contact customer service to request a replacement filter connector.
How do I clean the water filter tank?
Clean the reservoir and spigots by mixing 1 tablespoon of baking soda into 1 gallon of hot water and pouring the solution directly into the cooler reservoir. Let the solution sit for about 30 minutes and then drain through spigots and drain plug. Then flush the cooler with 3 gallons of plain hot water using the same method.
Does Culligan ZeroWater lower the pH in water?
Once the filter reaches end of life, you may experience an acidic or slightly off-taste in the water. As indicated in our instructions, once the digital meter reaches 006 or the light indicator lights up (depending on which was included in your device) you should discontinue the use of the expired filter and replace it. Our filtration has an end of life indication whereas standard filters do not. Continued use of the filter, after it expires, will only further deteriorate the ion beads and a reduction in pH may occur. The reduction in pH is not dangerous but there is a chance under extreme filter exhaustion that the pH levels may be reduced low enough to where you will experience a taste difference in the water, occurring at a meter reading below 1 or 2. We cannot determine if the filter failed prematurely as we have no indication of your tap water quality (all water is different and we have no way of knowing the specific properties in everyone’s water) nor your daily water consumption. Since the quality of tap water varies the reduction in pH, when your filter has reached the point of exhaustion, can vary as well.
When do I change the filters?
The lifespan of each household's filter is different. It depends on the amount of contaminants or suspended substances in the water before filtering and the water consumption of each home. (Water chemicals vary based on the source and water treatment of where you live.) Periodically checking your filtered water with a water quality meter is essential. If the water quality meter measures 006 or more, the filter should be replaced. It is recommended that the measurement results should not exceed this limit. Culligan ZeroWater filters are different from other filters. When Culligan ZeroWater filters expire, the resulting filtered water will smell and taste different than before. We recommend that you change the filter when you notice such changes.
Culligan ZeroWater ®
Culligan ZeroWater® filters vs. other water purifier filters
Does well/spring water cause shorter filter life vs. “city” water?
The life of the filter depends on the TDS going in, not whether your water is from a well, a spring, or a municipality. Before using your well water with our system, be sure to have it tested.
Does bacteria build up in the filter?
The Culligan ZeroWater® filtration system has a special material that inhibits the growth of bacteria inside the filter barrel.
What type of plastic are Culligan ZeroWater® products made from?
Culligan ZeroWater® filters are made from BPA-free polypropylene, as is the body from BPA- and ABS-free polypropylene.
Are Culligan ZeroWater® products certified to international standards?
Both Culligan ZeroWater® water filters and filters are certified to international standards by NSF (International for standards) 42 to reduce the smell and taste of chlorine and NSF 53 to reduce chromium, lead and mercury.
The test results displayed on this website are the result of NSF/ANSI testing performed by an independent laboratory in the United States that is accredited by the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference and is registered with the Office of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference. protect the united states environment
Are there documents showing the product's performance?
Please click here to read the product performance documentation.
How does a TDS meter work?
Can a TDS meter measure the amount of lead?
No. TDS meters are used to measure contaminants or suspended solids. and is not intended to measure lead.
What is the measuring device used for measuring?
TDS meters measure the amount of contaminants or suspended solids. This is measured in parts per million (ppm).
What are total dissolved solids?
Contaminants or suspended solids (TDS) are inorganic substances which are impurities in water. which changes the taste of the water It might come from an old water pipe. road salt, pesticides, fertilizers, and many other sources.
Wouldn't it be better if all contaminants or suspended solids (TDS) could be removed?
Today's filtration technology can remove all contaminants. It does not distinguish between harmful chemicals and good minerals contained in water. Therefore, you should eat foods that have all the nutrients your body needs. Many nutritionists recommend drinking water along with your meals. You shouldn't drink water alone.
How often should TDS be measured?
You can regularly use the TDS meter that comes with your water filter. May be measured every other day. Using a TDS meter is especially important because higher TDS values (over 300) mean the filter needs to be changed more frequently. Regularly measuring your water's TDS can help you determine the best time to change your filter. Before the TDS value of your drinking water is higher than 0.06.
What type of battery does the TDS meter use?
They take either 2 – 357A, 2-LR44 or 3-AG3 batteries which can be found anywhere you would buy a watch battery.
What can’t the meter detect?
The meter cannot detect uncharged particles such as organic contaminants. It also cannot detect undissolved particles such as bacteria.
Why is my TDS Meter/Indicator not working?
As with any electronic device, sometimes you may encounter issues with the TDS meter.
Please follow the steps below to resolve your issue.
TDS levels change in hot or cold water from the same tap because containments dissolve easily in warmer water which leads to a higher reading. The TDS meter corrects for temperature, but if the water is too hot it will give artificially high values. In general, the most accurate reading will be at or near room temperature.
Do Culligan ZeroWater® products contain polycarbonate?
Culligan ZeroWater® products do not contain polycarbonate.
Culligan ZeroWater® water filters and pitchers are made from what type of plastic (are they BPA free)?
Culligan ZeroWater® filters are made from BPA-free polypropylene.
Culligan ZeroWater® equipment is made from BPA-free polypropylene and ABS plastic.
This warranty does not exclude, suspend or limit any statutory rights you may have during or after the warranty period under any mandatory consumer protection laws governing the sale of consumer goods. This warranty grants you specific, and as the case may be, additional rights, within the limits of what is permissible under such law.
The product and its accessories shall be used in accordance with the instructions provided and leaflets that come in the product package and are also available at
Scope of warranty for water filter tanks water filter pitcher Bottle water filtration system Culligan ZeroWater Portable Water Bottle and TDS Meter
Rung Koo Company Limited would like to guarantee that the water filter tank water filter pitcher Bottle water filtration system Culligan ZeroWater travel bottles and TDS meters are free from manufacturing defects for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase of the Culligan ZeroWater product. Use must be in accordance with the instructions provided with the product. If within the 90-day warranty period, the customer finds a manufacturing defect in the water filter tank. water filter pitcher Bottle water filtration system Your Culligan ZeroWater travel bottle and TDS meter (which does not include the filter) will be resent free of charge. By making a warranty claim Please contact customer service at To solve basic problems or go to By making a warranty claim, you must have proof of purchase document with the date clearly shown.
Rung Koo Company Limited warrants that the Culligan ZeroWater filters are free from manufacturing defects for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase of the Culligan ZeroWater product. The product must be used according to the instructions provided with the product. If within the 30-day warranty period, the customer finds that the filter has a manufacturing defect. The company will send a new product free of charge. (But there is a fee for shipping the filter). Warranty claims must include proof of purchase with the date clearly displayed. To make a warranty claim for the filter Please contact customer service at To solve basic problems If it can be determined that there is a manufacturing defect The company will provide instructions for returning the filter. to test in the laboratory If the test results indicate that the filter is actually defective. The company will send new products free of charge. If no defects are found The company will return the original filter to the customer.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will Roong Koo Co., Ltd. be liable to you for exemplary, incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages of any kind, including without limitation loss of profit, data, goodwill, use, savings, revenue, or property damage, whether or not Roong Koo Co., Ltd. has been advised of the possibility of such loss, however caused and on any theory of liability, arising out of these terms and conditions, sale or use of the product. Roong Koo Co., Ltd.’s total cumulative liability arising from or related to this limited warranty or the product will not exceed the amount you actually paid for the product. The limitations in this clause shall not apply in case of Roong Koo Co., Ltd.’s intentional misconduct or gross negligence or in case of death or personal injury resulting from Roong Koo Co., Ltd.’s proven gross negligence.”
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